Motivations of a Christian


1.    There is SOMETHING that causes us to act -- sometimes it is just hard to tell what it is!

2.    Sometimes the 'action' can be 'sloth and laziness' (Inactivity) -- and the cause is laziness.

3.    Christians ARE expected to ACT --

a.     Faith without works is dead …James 2:17, 26

b.    Faith is an ACTIVE faith -  'show me your works' …. James 2:18

c.     Faith which worketh by love -- Gal.  5:6


4.    What is it that MOTIVATES US?


1.    Fear --

a.     Used of governments and punishment -  Rom. 13:3-4

b.    Eccl. 12:7 -   fear God and keep his commandments…

c.     Prov.    -   fear (of God) is the beginning of wisdom…

d.    Phil. 2:12   work out your own salvation in fear and trembling…

e.     Heb.   It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God …

f.     Heb. 12:28 -  serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear…

g.     Heb. 4:1 -- let us therefore FEAR …

h.     1 Pet. 2:17 -- 'fear God'…

i.      HENCE -- the Bible often speaks of God's judgments upon evil …


j.     HENCE -- Jesus spoke more about HELL than any other biblical person…


2.    Reward --

a.     Work = PAY,  a basic concept in most financial dealings!

b.    SOME reward = 'pleasure' -- hence the 'why of sin' --

c.     Even in service to God --  Parable of the laborers - Mtt. 20.

b.    There IS great reward for serving God -- HEAVEN --

c.     Some fail so see that doing right is in itself its OWN reward!  Peace of mind, self worth and esteem, ….


3.    PITY --

a.     IS not 'love' per se,  rather a feeling of compassion

b.    We are to be 'pitiful' - full of pity and compassion --

c.     SUCH doing of 'alms' is for the good of others , 

d.    The forgiving of others is because we can have PITY on them ..

e.     DANGER == puffed up, proud, conceited, arrogant, 


4.    Duty

a.     A sense of responsibility,  that I can NOT let someone down.. 

b.    Often in a military scenario … or a sporting event …

c.     Seen also in a family setting --

d.    AS servants of God -- we should serve him out of a sense of DUTY -- it is an obligation that we have AS servants …


5.    Reflection Upon Another ..

a.     Because it brings shame / or Honor upon those whom we serve / love.

b.    An evil son is the disgrace of his mother …

c.     "Remember who you are' ..   for a good name…

d.    Let your light shine that they may GLORIFY GOD ---


6.    It is RIGHT --

a.     closely aligned with 'duty' -- but this a duty towards self, integrity, righteousness

b.    Those that LOVE righteousness will do that which is RIGHT -

c.     God's righteousness behind His 'not doing wrong' -- so with His children.

d.    Not EASY,  Not POPULAR, Not rewarding in monetary things,


7.    Love

a.     flowers to your wife,  cooking favorite meals… much of our doing for family is because of LOVE…

1.    It involves duty, right, fear, reflection, etc. --

2.    But the bottom line seems to be rather LOVE --

b.    Perfect love casts out fear…1 John 4:18

c.     The love of Christ constraineth us … 2 Cor. 5:14

c.     IF YOU LOVE ME --



MANY motives behind our actions…

Will be judged by our ACTIONS…. 

While are to be growing .. do NOT discount a motive just because there may be other motives that are 'more noble'….